Presentation of Polish amber in Cologne

Presentation of Polish amber in Cologne

Presentation of Polish amber in Cologne

Last Saturday we had the pleasure to present our company in Cologne/Germany – the evening with Polish amber was organised by the Polish General Consulate.

The event was prepared very carefully and profesionally – a lot of guests were invited (apart from businessmen and employees of cultural institutions, there were also media representatives), and the conditions of exposition provided by the organiser were very good too. The evening started with the lecture on Polish amber, prepared by Mariusz Gliwiński – we were surprised by the great interest of the audience (the one hour’ long presentation was watched by over one hundred persons!).The lecture was afterwards complemented by the interview for the German press. In the second part of the evening, the presentation of Ambermoda jewellery (together with the collection of Małgorzata Wąsowska) took place, accompanied by singers from the Cologne Oprea.

We are honored that our company was invited as a represetative of the Polish amber industry. Special thanks to Mrs Małgorzata Wejtko (1st consuel, Head of the Trade and Invesment Promotion Dpt. at the General Consulate of Poland in Cologne) and to the consul, Mr. Bronisław Jaworski. We would like to thank also the eployees of the Consulate for their help and kindness.

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