The Art Sytems in Ambermoda Gallery

The Art Sytems in Ambermoda Gallery

The Art Sytems in Ambermoda Gallery

The Ambermoda gallery invites you to the vernissage of professor Andrzej Szadkowski – the Art Systems, which will take place on Friday, 14th March at 8.00 PM in Sopot (12-16 Grunwaldzka St.)

Prof. A. Szadkowski is one of the most important authority in the field of Polish jewellery. He not only is the designer, but also a scholar and intellectualist (he is the regular professor at the Lodz Academy of Art, head of the Jewellery Design Dept and director of the jewellery design class). He took part in more than 120 group exhibitions, and the exposition at the Ambermoda gallery will be his 10th individual exhibition. Mr Szadkowski has been the member of many international jewellery syposiums, as well as the member of the Polish Academy of Science, Gesellschaft fuer Goldchmiedekunst Hanau, the member of honour of the Jewellery, organizer of the “Image and Form” competition in Sankt Petersburg as well as curator of the competitions and exhibitions “Schmuck” in Munich. At the exhibition, we will be presenting a collection of over ten jewellery objects – colourful brooches, made according to a very carefully thought out, mobile construction. During the vernissage, we are planning a surprise with the participation of a music star.

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