Ashes and diamonds and.. amber

Ashes and diamonds and.. amber

Ashes and diamonds and.. amber

Mr Wajda is not only the most recognized Polish filmmaker, awarded with Oscar prize, and the creator of the Polish film school, but he is also a very genrous sponsor of art. 14 years ago, for the money that he got as an award in the Kyoto film festival, Andrzej Wajda founded the Center of the Japanese Art (Manggha) in Cracow.

The annivesary, as well as the artist’s name-day, were celebrated this Saturday in Manggha at the gala evening that gathered representatives of the intellectual and artists’ circles, friends, dyplomatic institutions and Japanese living in Cracow. During the official part of the evening, Mariusz Gliwiński presented Andrzej Wajda with the set of men’s jewelry designed by Ambermoda. The unique tie clip, refering in its form to the movie theme, as well as the matching cufflinks, were made from black Baltic amber, diamonds, silver and gold. As Mariusz Gliwiński said, this is a gesture of personal thankfulness and appretiation for all the movies of Andrzej Wajda, and especially for his attitude to the truth and respect for the murdered Polish officers expressed in the movie “Katyń”. The jewelry set was also designed with the use of symbolic materials. Black Baltic amber, because of its age, can be regarded as a specific, organic chronicle of the Earth. Diamonds, which are set in amber and gold, symbolise the transparency, durability and nobility.

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